Database Performance: MySQL vs MongoDB


In the realm of database management systems, performance is key. Two popular systems are MySQL, a traditional relational database, and MongoDB, a NoSQL document-based database. To gauge their efficiency, we orchestrated a benchmarking test on Amazon Web Services (AWS), utilizing MySQL on the Relational Database Service (RDS) and MongoDB on DocumentDB. The goal was to … Continue reading Database Performance: MySQL vs MongoDB

A Systematic Approach to Enhancing User Experience


When solving problems in product experience, we deal with two main types: objective problems, which are clear and can be measured, and subjective problems, which depend on how each person sees them. Understanding the difference between these helps us find better solutions. The Tangible Terrain of Objective Problems Objective problems, like a glitch in an … Continue reading A Systematic Approach to Enhancing User Experience

Understanding Core Beliefs and Dichotomies in Debates


After watching a video by Amish, where he and Bhavna delve into Purvapaksha and Uttarpaksha and the art of debate, piqued my curiosity. It led me to explore the true essence of a debate. What is its purpose? How can we ensure that our debates remain anchored to this purpose? Purpose of a Debate Debates … Continue reading Understanding Core Beliefs and Dichotomies in Debates

Learning and Mentorship: A Deeper Dive


When we think about learning, the common perception is of a linear, step-by-step progression. This view likens learning to filling a glass with water, drop by drop, in a predictable and steady manner. However, contemporary research in neuroscience and cognitive psychology suggests that the process of learning might be more complex and dynamic than this … Continue reading Learning and Mentorship: A Deeper Dive

Exploring Elastic-search Hot Pods on NVMe-based I3 Instances in Kubernetes


In the realm of Kubernetes, managing stateful workloads can be a formidable challenge. This article stems from a prior experience where we encountered and successfully resolved the complex issue of deploying Elasticsearch pods on NVMe-based Local SSDs within I3 machines. This task proved significantly more demanding compared to the relatively straightforward process of deploying Elasticsearch … Continue reading Exploring Elastic-search Hot Pods on NVMe-based I3 Instances in Kubernetes